Dreaming Big

Lockdown Lessons: Dreaming Big in Iso

So much has changed. Many of us have lost jobs, reduced income and deal with uncertainty on a daily basis. But that doesn't take away the power to continue dreaming big in isolation.

It all started a few years ago when I had the idea to make a career transition from journalism to scientific research. My sister, knowing I’m riddled with anxiety over most things, would send ‘motivational’ videos to encourage me to take a massive leap of faith. Dreaming big was going to have to be on the menu from now on and from all the YouTube clips, once voice resonated.

COVID-19 has placed many of us in a similar situation. Instead, rather than by choice, we’re forced to look for a new path, a new way out. And so I’ve found myself going back to this voice, for guidance and reassurance: enter Steve Harvey. Perhaps not one of the ‘gurus’ you assumed I follow but we all find that voice that makes us stop and listen, fills us with courage, helps us make those important next steps.

“Change comes in every person’s life. You can either react to it or you can participate in it.” – Steve Harvey

I’ve never been entirely comfortable with the idea of dreaming big – scared if I dream too big, I’ll be disappointed and even harsher on myself for not ‘ticking’ something off the list. But here’s the thing, and I totally agree with Steve on this, WRITE IT DOWN. There’s something about writing a vision for yourself that makes part of it reality, a constant reminder for your subconscious that says ‘sure, we can consider this future’.

Make a Dream List & a Vision Board

Dreaming big and making a list of what you want plus a vision of how you want your life to be is the perfect activity in lockdown. It’s not about being more productive, making more money, owning more things – unless that’s what you want – it’s about stepping outside of the day-to-day grind that COVID-19 has become, remembering or reimagining the path you tread. A pandemic is full of distractions but it does not stop you dreaming, so dream big.

SkinFit Tip

'The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it' - Steve Harvey

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